Sunday 21 July 2013

Sam turns 4

Well good evening, my fine friends. The rain has been tumbling down in Old Hobart Town all day. Nothing better than hearing its patter on our tin roof. Or thinking about the good soaking all the little treasures we've tucked under the soil in our garden are getting. Not long now and they'll be poking their heads up, all ready to put on a spring spectacular for us! So as I sit here with my mug of hot chocolate, I thought I'd share with you some snaps of our celebrations of Sam's recent 4th birthday. Yes, my baby's growing up!
Here he is, as proud as punch to be wearing his new badge.
Here are the troops, reading for The Great Unwrapping.
Miss India delighted in making him a card. Bubble writing is her preferred style at the moment.
This was the noisiest and craziest present. Thanks Mr PB!
This was the most imaginative one. All three of them will put this to good use. It's genius in the way one side is a theatre and the other a shop. 
These wooden dominoes will provide the greatest challenge to them. There will be maths involved in the placing of them the right way. And lots of fun starting the big donger to knock them over!
This wooden harbour set is the sweetest. I've sure my Dad is looking on approvingly. It's a little bit Scandinavian and delightfully tactile. Not to mention colourful. Hours of fun to be had with it!
Here's a little close-up so you can appreciate the detail.
And the pièce de résistance is my attempt at the Australian Women's Weekly's car cake. It was my first use of fondant icing since Joshie's 1st birthday. I was rather glad with this effort.
The smile on his dial is all I need as a verdict!

And to think he'll be starting Kinder next year. My word. No longer do I have 3 under 4. It's all happening here! Right in front of my eyes.

Now I'll bid you adieu and race to the telly to watch the Ashes. Being a cricket tragic and all, you know! Night.
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