Source: via Jane on Pinterest*
Hmm, life's been a bit serious here this week, hasn't it?! It's funny how ill health can affect one's mood so much. After yesterday's drama, I can report that life on Planet Baby is ever so slowly returning to some semblance of equilibrium. But not before Miss India came down with an ear infection, the poor poppet. Regrettably, we've had to postpone Sammy's 3rd birthday celebrations planned for tomorrow until next weekend. But we'll still celebrate with him as a family tomorrow. My baby is growing up! Anyway, let's return to some normal programming for a change - okay?
For today's soul food, I've turned to the American writer, Richard Bach. Some of you might know him as the author of 'Jonathan Livingstone Seagull'.
There are no mistakes.
The events we bring upon ourselves, no matter how unpleasant, are necessary in order to learn what we need to learn.
Whatever steps we take, they’re necessary to reach the places we’ve chosen to go.
This is a real thought-provoker for me. After spending most of my life over-thinking as only a perfectionist can, I'm finally realising the truth espoused here. It's a much more useful and hopeful way of reflecting on the mistakes we make, don't you think?
I always used to view mistakes as negative things which were to be regretted and lamented. Agonised over, even.
Now I can see there's no point in beating myself up over them. Instead, I can view them as opportunities for learning. Something good can come of them, after all.
Remembering to look back on them for those insights is the challenge, I guess. Oh, and not falling into the trap of over-analysing them for recovering perfectionists like me!
So, over to you. Do you think Mr Bach is talking sense? Do you always try to learn from your mistakes? Or do you forget them and just move on? I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts, as always.