Saturday, 1 October 2011

Some Saturday soul food: St Therese of Lisieux

Hello Lovelies. I hope you're having a smashing weekend. Ours has been full of action. For now, I'd like to share a fabulous quotation I've stumbled upon which I understand is based on a prayer of St Thérèse of Lisieux
May today there be peace within.
May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. 
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. 
May you use the gifts that you have received and pass on the love that has been given to you.  
May you be content with yourself just the way you are. 
Let this knowledge settle into your bones and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. 
It is there for each and every one of us.
Isn't it delightful? I think I'll have to print and frame it for *my room of my own* - will you too? Enjoy your Sunday, you gorgeous Planetarians.


  1. That's beautiful.
    It brings me peace just reading it - now to live it.

  2. Sweet picture and I love the bit that mentions infinite possibilities in yourself and others. Have a sweet day!

  3. Lovely Jane, just lovely.
    Have a great week.

  4. Beautiful words to live by, Jane! Thanks for sharing with us. I can see those words hanging in your 'room of your own':) Happy Monday, sweet girl~ xx

  5. Oh they are such beautiful words Jane...ones I too will be printing :)
    Happy Monday.

  6. Such beautiful words Jane. Have a lovely week, I am thinking of you. Mimi xx
    PS Thank you for joining my blog xxx

  7. Love that, beautiful. I have taken to printing and framing words that resonate with me to! Have a lovely week, isn't the sunshine just divine! xox

  8. Such lovely and inspiring words. Wishing you a fabulous week too!

  9. Oh Jane, perfectly fitting for your 'room of your own'. Just how could anyone go wrong if they read those words each day. I love it and will copy that somewhere special for myself too. Thank you for sharing sweet friend xo

  10. This is perfect Jane. I love it! Thanks for sharing.

  11. Oh, I'm so glad you all found it as uplifting as I did, ladies. Now to walk the walk! J x

  12. It's very inspirational Jane, so beautiful. The photo to go with it is very angelic too. Thank you for sharing it with us. xo

  13. My pleasure, Catherine. And yes, that little girl is just delightful. J x

  14. Jane,
    I came by, because I'm catching up on blogs in general and I was on Iris's Irideen blog and you were the comment above me :)
    Always a happy thing when we see people we know at other people's blogs I think don't you?
    Anyway I love this quote, it sums up so very much. I think I'll re post it sometime at Secrets, and link to you. Thank you for the reassuring energy it has given me,
    Love and light
    Kat x


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts, you gorgeous soul. You've just made my day! J x

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