Thursday, 15 September 2011

Looking out for each other

Sweet Planetarians, thanks again for all your heart-warming support, empathy and concern following my Dad’s recent death. You will never know the immense emotional sustenance you are giving me during this traumatic time. I am blessed to have you all in my life.

But, enough about me. Let’s focus on you or someone you know.

Today, I’d like to join many Australian bloggers in supporting R U OK? Day. I think this is a stunning and simple initiative. 

Have you heard about it? If not, the website gives this explanation:
It’s a national day of action which aims to prevent suicide by encouraging Australians to connect with someone they care about and help stop little problems turning into big ones.
On [15 September 2011], we want everyone across the country, from all backgrounds and walks of life, to ask family, friends and colleagues "Are you OK?".
Staying connected with others is crucial to our general health and wellbeing. Feeling isolated or hopeless can contribute to depression and other mental illnesses which can ultimately result in suicide. Regular, meaningful conversations can protect those we know and love.
It's so simple. In the time it takes to have a coffee, you can start a conversation that could change a life.
Here’s handsome Hugh Jackman encouraging us to take that little step.
Hmm, he sounds persuasive, don’t you think?

It's amazing how powerful such a little question can be.

Just to know that someone cares enough to ask, let alone care about your response, can be such a game-changer.

It can be that tiny pinprick of light you've been searching for in that very deep, dark hole you find yourself in.

I know.

For those of you Planetarians who have recently hopped aboard this busy planet, you may be unfamiliar with my experience of post-natal depression. Two years later, I'm still being treated for it. I'll post an update soon on how I'm going.

But as I said, enough about me.

I only mention it to show how common mental health issues are in our community. Post-natal depression is just one form.

Thoughts of suicide have never featured on my radar but I've witnessed its devastating results on a personal level. So I *get* how important it is for us all to look out for each other.

So if you know someone who you think might be having a tough time, the website's helpful page here gives you some ideas on how to initiate such a conversation.

And here are some professional organisations which are only too ready to provide further support. Just click on the images to link to their websites.
So, let's look out for each other a little, okay? You never know - your little conversation could change someone's life. For the better. And all just by uttering those few little words.

For more posts like this, why don't you drop by Gemma at My Big Nutshell who's hosting a clever little blog hop. Go Gemma! 


  1. Thank you.
    Your heart just pours out through this blog - and it's a beauty.

  2. i love you a little bit more for bringing this to our attention Janey!!

    a brilliant moment to take time for someone else....

    i'm going to FB this also...

    M xxx

  3. Love this notion.
    My brother is struggling to look after his two little boys at the moment (struggling for many reasons). He made me laugh recently when he said that when they don't make it out in time for playgroup the three of them sit in a circle at home, holding hands with a row of cut out dolls like in your picture and pretend they are the friends they've missed! They sing the playgroup songs and everything!
    fee x
    (I ask him if he's ok every day!)

  4. Such a great initiative. I learnt about this from watching Australian Story this week; what a story! x

  5. I love this initiative, it's just so important that people know they are not alone, we do care & we can help in the simplest way..having been there with post natal depression like you, it's a very lonely place & now I think I'm so much more aware of other people (particularly mum's) around me, and try to always ask if they are ok..x

  6. What a fabulous idea!! I didn't actually know about R U OK day so thanks for enlightening me Jane :)

    Having gone through pnd myself and still having little relapses of it from time to time I know all too well how important it is for others to ask me how I am doing...likewise it has made me more conscious of asking others the same :)


  7. Good on you, Jane. I RUOKed just about everyone I met yesterday and some were amazed to be asked. x

  8. Nice one on spreading the word Jane! You're a kind soul :)

  9. The R U okay idea is fabulous. We should spread the word in Germany about it. And hearing it from cute Hugh Jackmann made me feel very okay today! Thanks Jane! Big hugs and wonderful weekend to you and family!

  10. Jane, you are one of the sweetest souls I know and we're all lucky to have you also :o)
    It is a fine line between being ok and 'not' being quite so ok. I agree, I think this initiative is a fantastic spring board to reaching out and helping to define that line a little better. I am keen to read your update on your own experiences when you get the chance to post about it. Thanks for spreading the word gorgeous xo

  11. This is a great thing. I am going to implement this right away.
    x Iris

  12. So glad it resonated with you all. I really hope it helps those in need. J x

  13. What a lovely initiative! Great for you to pass this along. Thinking of you XOL

  14. Such a wonderful idea we endorsed this at our Swim School it really is important to ask RUOK as often as we can. So happy to see you here again Jane you really are a special lady xo

    Always Wendy

  15. Amazing stuff - I love that you have something like R U Ok - that's just plain brilliant:) Coz not everybody is ok - all the time:O) Thanks for sharing this and hope you have a great weekend.

  16. Absolutely, you don't even have to have depression to thoroughly appreciate the fact someone has asked if you're OK. I remember last time my husband was at war, a lovely older lady held my hand & said "are you OK" & i just burst into tears. She was such a sweetheart, a military wife herself & could see in my eyes i was OK but just had to let the tears out. Gosh it felt amazing, i kind of get tired of coping/ holding it together & being OK at times. Also a brilliant lesson for your children, it's OK to let it all out & cry, collapse & rebuild. Just don't bottle it up. Love Posie

  17. been thinking of you lovely lady and sending you hugs, lots of them ♥

  18. Thanks, ladies. And yes, Jennie, that 'bottling it up' notion can cause such unnecessary pain. J x


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts, you gorgeous soul. You've just made my day! J x

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