Tuesday, 16 August 2011

The sublime, the ridiculous and everything in between: Part 2

Hello, sweet Planetarians. I’m still here, falling down Blogland’s rabbit holes every day and keeping up with your latest news. It’s proving a welcome distraction from the gruelling time we’re going through with my darling Dad in hospital. Tomorrow is Day 42 for him there. Visiting every day, I enter the building thinking, ‘Once more unto the breach, dear friends’. Tonight’s visit was most distressing and short. I’m steeling myself for what lies ahead.

But life goes on.

I’m happy you enjoyed my last post with its smattering of the recent diverse happenings on Planet Baby. Here’s the promised sequel.

The sublime

My nest feathering of the new Planet Baby HQ is continuing apace. I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of some of these divine hydrangea cushions I found here on Etsy by the talented people at bluewarehouse75. Mr PB and I are looking forward to planting some of the real things in the garden soon.
My clever friend Janette of My Sweet Prints fame has also been my partner-in-crime, creating this adorable print.
*Sigh*. I can’t wait to frame (boo to IKEA for not being in Tasmania as I miss my Ribba frames! I’ll have to stock up big time when I finally make it back to Sydney for a visit .) and hang it.

The ridiculous

So many of you were amused about my little clock and its ticking-bomb impersonation. Well, I think I can top that tale with something even crazier.

Now remember when I first made my little Liberty loveliness months ago? Well, my lovely friend Rhi recommended a delightful English lady, Anne, who sells Liberty swatches on eBay UK here. I delightedly bid for, and won, two auctions for some gorgeous Liberty Tana lawn. All perfect for some more crafting! However, after a few weeks of patient waiting, they hadn’t arrived. I was puzzled as Anne had emailed me weeks before that she’d posted them.

I emailed her to chase them up. She was mortified they hadn’t arrived and immediately sent me replacement fabric. Free of charge. Together with a huge note of apology. What class. I was so thrilled to receive them – what prettiness! Anne mentioned that a sack of mail from her post office had gone astray and maybe that’s what had happened to the first parcel.

A week later, I received a parcel encased in this amusing plastic bag.
Inside was – you guessed it – Anne’s original parcel containing this delightful assortment of goodies!
I was just astounded. My little parcel had travelled to Tasmania, Australia via Tanzania! You wouldn’t read about it.

Even although Anne had clearly addressed it to ‘Tasmania’.
The pixies were fascinated, especially when I pulled out our trusty atlas and showed them the parcel’s route!

So thank you, Anne, you gorgeous woman. I now have twice the amount of Liberty loveliness I had expected and a funny tale to share with you all as well. Bless you, Royal Mail!

Everything in between

Now that the weeks of pesky rain are behind us for the moment, India and Sam have been enjoying spending time in the backyard with me. Here are some shots taken yesterday – first, my grinning little boy.
And then Miss India who discovered a cat the old owners had kindly left behind for us.
Look at those jaunty jonquils, abloom in winter. Not to mention the tiara! Oh, and for the eagle-eyed, both of them are wearing clothes made by the talented Hobart woman, Miriam of Nara Design. I *adore* her little heart motif.

I have so much more to share with you, my friends, but I must away to bed. Doctors’ orders! I hope to pop back soon, depending on what the coming days bring. I hope you’re all having a wonderful week. Good night!


  1. ah...lovely sequel! tanzania - hilarious! wonder how many miles it's travelled!
    Here's a hug for the coming days (feel free to save for when you need it!)
    fee x

  2. Sweet post, Jane! Love the cushions and the parcel story and sending a big Tuesday hug from Germany. Tesca x.

  3. Oh Jane, I can sense the uneasiness here, though it's a beautiful post. What a great tale of your missing fabrics... a little lack of attention to detail in the old post office me thinks!
    Oh your pixies are just adorable and I'm loving their little clothes, so sweet :o) The tiara is a beautiful touch!
    What's not to love about jonquils, the scent, their bright happy faces, they are just a lovely bloom.
    I am thinking of you Jane, hoping that you're taking care and getting the support you need and deserve at this time. We're all here supporting you virtually too xo

  4. i am hanging in there with you lovely janey...
    i totally feel everything you are going through, as you know...

    old eagle eyes me did notice the kids clothing- instantly- i'm heading over there now- love these little links...

    hugs Melissa xxx

  5. I love that Tanzania story Jane :) xo

  6. Lovely to hear from you Jane. It's alright for us to laugh. Imagine what that special little package would say if it could talk. It must surely be confused and jetlagged.!!! Now you can have twice as much fun with your fabrics. The hugs and love still leaping across the Tasman to you and your family. Jane x

  7. Tanzania/Tasmania hehehe it's amazing how two little letters mistook for others could lead your parcel on a round the world trip! Thank you for including my print in your post I love how it matches ur cushion so perfectly! Thought r with you my dear, give those cute little pixies a smootch from me!

  8. Hello lovely :) I really need to send you a proper email, but for the moment - want me to pop into ikea for you? More than happy to do so!

    xx Helen

  9. Oh ! The cushions! Delightful! I have just caught up on your last few posts Jane. You are just a beautiful soul my sweet, it shines through in your writing and you are never far from my thoughts. x

  10. It's so exciting making your new home your own, enjoy! Thinking of you & your family, take care lady..xx

  11. Blossoms and bounty what fabulous gifts to share, with laughter mixed in too - you truly amaze me Lovely.

    Sending you my love and hopes for brighter days on PB very soon.


  12. Jane, it took me ages to see the cat in that photo and I was imagining India discovering the remains of a 'departed' cat! Silly me!
    Wow, what a trip those beautiful fabrics had! I must check out her store...no really I should keep away!
    Will talk to you soon. Hugs x

  13. Jane! Am going to ikea tomorrow... email me what you want and will send it over in 3 kilo bags! I am going straight after I drop N off at school so need order before 8am. I have the catalogue here if you want me to check anything. xx

  14. Lovely, lovely pics of the kids and a very funny postal story! Rachaelx

  15. Funny story about
    the Tanzania/Tasmania
    switcheroo! Love those
    darling kiddo-s; so, so
    xx Suzanne

  16. That cushion and Janette's print will go so beautifully in your home, love them both!! What a funny story about the fabric.

    Thinking of you during these tough days ahead and sending hugs as always xx

  17. Thinking of you Jane, look at all the sweet things in your life, your father will be so proud of the life you have created around you, love Posie

  18. Jane I've also been playing catchup... the traveling parcel story a classic..what a year it's been for you, so many emotions ..thinking of you, your brave dad and family x

  19. You have some beautiful blue treasures to fill your new home and make it happy and cosy. I'm glad your parcel finally made it's way to your house, what a trip it had. Love the photos of your two little cuties, Miss India looks gorgeous with her tiara on:)

    Take care lovely lady. Sending you lots of hugs. xx

  20. Liberty prints in Tanzania... there's a song in there somewhere, Jane.

    You are just going to go nuts now that you have your lovely 'long time' home!! Can't wait to see it shape up. x

  21. Ooh your little nest is going to look so beautiful and cosy Jane!What a story about the parcel :)Thanks goodness it all ended well :)
    Sending you hugs xx

  22. Hang in there Jane. You and your odd stories! Nice to see you at your post despite the emotional goings on in your life.

  23. Thinking of you today, Jane. Lots of hugs from Queensland xoxoxooo!

  24. Thanks, everyone. I loved sharing it all with you. J x

  25. I love the blue cushion jane the home sweet home is cute & now the lovely fabric gosh its all gorgeous enjoy all your lovely items & take care of your self xx

  26. Hi Sweet Jane

    Love the cushions I’m getting excited to see how you put all these beautiful things together one day. Chin up Dearest One thinking of you.

    Always Wendy

  27. I love your fabric story - to think it has breathed some Tanzanian air :) Your kiddos are absolutely adorable. It looks like Spring is in full swing :) Wishing you the best!! XOL

  28. Jane, thanks for stopping by via HH UK. Your pixies are darling!

  29. Thanks, GirlSprout - so wonderful to see you via Laura. J x


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts, you gorgeous soul. You've just made my day! J x

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